BROMMÖ $59.99 @
IkeaSo the weather in NY is finally getting nice. After a long, brutal as hell winter, we are seeing signs of spring. As I mentioned I recently moved into a new spot, and for the first time in my NYC life, I have an outdoor space!! This shit is life changing. It's a 10' X 17' patio off of the kitchen. This past weekend we finally got to hang out there with some friends and after watching other neighbors grill all day and hang out on proper outdoor furniture I knew we had to step our outdoor game up. The first outdoor purchase are 2 of these Ikea BROMMÖ deck chairs. I love the look of them and they seem to be very sturdy. I gave it the crazy sturdiness test in Ikea on Sunday, I sat all super hard on it and rocked back and forth and abused the hell out of it and it seemed to be all good. Next purchase....the grill!