Monday, September 20, 2010

Silver Lake Style: Brutus Magazine

Here are some more scans from Brutus Magazine. I know I've said it a zillion times but for me it's always more about the objects in the space and the space itself and less about the styling.


  1. And new badass objects added every PCC...

  2. Hey John, I just discovered your blog the other day. It's so good. Is there a place you sell all of your finds? Or do they just lace your home? You have some great stuff.

  3. Thanks Myles, likewise!
    Usually that stuff just laces our home, unless it's a bag or some Free-&-Easy kind of thing, then it usually ends up on ebay. Lately however we're much more discerning, especially after having a child. You really think more about "need vs. want"; and if we do bring in yet another chair or lamp, we have to take one away. It's like a constant upgrading.

  4. especially your R.I.T. YEARBOOKS JOHN. THOSE ARE SO RAD.
